Friday, May 28, 2010

Friends, Romans, Countrymen - Lend Me Your Years

This is my first blog post as Chief Technology Officer of Velrada. You can read what Velrada does by taking a quick squiz at our website,, as today I'd like to focus on our recruitment event which takes place on 3rd June at Platform Bar/Restaurant.

As many of you will know, I am a keen supporter of the Graduate community in WA and do as much as I possibly can for the Australian Computer Society - Young IT Division (ACS YIT).

The purpose of ACS YIT is to provide support for those students which are studying for technology relevant degrees, or those that have graduated. So my role is in providing advice and guidance in terms of how to launch a career in the IT industry. Through my extensive network, I also seek to provide pointers on where people might find their ideal job.

It probably wouldn't surprise you to hear me say, that I wouldn't expect many "big hitters" to turn up to a recruitment event. These type of people have jobs (though they may not be happy), therefore, they are conscious of not publicising the fact that they are on the job market.

So the recruitment event on the 3rd of June presents an excellent opportunity for junior to mid-level people to join Velrada and gain an insight into what makes us tick, how we have created a fantastic company culture and what it was that attracted us as individuals to work for this innovative and creative company.

If you've attended Career Days etc. and found it difficult to have a quality meaningful conversation about your carreer, options and general direction before, then this is the best opportunity that you're going to get for a while, to spend time with some of Perth's most respected professionals.

Each of my colleagues averages ten to fifteen years of experience. I myself have over 25 years of experience in IT. One thing I really enjoy is talking to people, to find what I can offer to support them in gaining some momentum.

If you're a recent graduate, or someone with just a couple of years experience, then get yourself along to the event. You get free beer! Ok, so it's a done deal now yeah? :)

If you are more senior and in the market, then please do still come along as I will be talking about specifics around our leadership opportunities and would still very much like to have a discussion with you, as would all my friends at Velrada.

Visit and click the events page to stay up to date on all our activities.